Improves Irrfan Khan's health, records Vishal Bhardwaj songs and sends me.

Actor Irfan Khan is currently treating Neuro Endocrine Tumor in London for treatment. Gradually, the health of the actor is improving. This disclosure has been made by Director Vishal Bharadwaj. Both are in touch with each other.

Vishal Bhardwaj told the media that "Irfan's health is improving. I hope they will be back soon to India. We keep interacting with each other through messages. Irfan talks to me. We all have the blessings of them. "

Apart from this, he also said that "Irrfan records songs and sends me to whats app. These days they record by singing lullabies. Then whats send from the app. They see cricket. "

Apart from this, Irfan has recently changed his Twitter dp in which he is laughing, it is very clear that now Irfan Khan is emerging from his illness.

Let me tell you, Irfan Khan has worked in Vishal Bhardwaj's many films. Among them Maqbool, 7 bloodshed, Haider. Apart from this, Irfan was another filmmaker with Deepika. But then their disease was detected and they went to London to make the treatment.

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