How many days after delivery, the relationship will not be read quickly, will regret

Being a mother is the dream of every woman and when a woman becomes pregnant, she has many changes in her body due to which she has many problems and after passing through a lot of pain, a woman born in her stomach is born Can give Today most of the delivery is being a cesarean. There are many reasons behind this. Which will be discussed in this issue of today.

Many people do not know how many days after delivery women should have physical relations. Many people have been seen. That makes some mistakes in the absence of information. The result is not good. People do not even talk about this topic openly. Because of which the difficulties have to face. Let me know After the normal delivery, the woman takes at least 3 months to recover physically, but in cesarean delivery it takes more time for the woman to recover completely

Because after the delivery of cesarean, it takes a lot of time to dry the stitches in the woman's stomach and should never have a physical connection before drying the stitches. Because of the cigarette delivery, before the drying of the stitches, physical relationship is more likely to break the stitches, so make a physical connection only after 6 months of cesarean delivery. When the delivery time comes. Then, due to the compliance, doctors have to resort to cesarean delivery to protect women and children. In such a situation, women have to take some precautions to become physical relations.

So that women's stitches are not pressurized. If a person gets physical relations immediately after delivery, then the risk of infection in the private part increases and also increases the risk of severe illness due to excessive weakness of both men and women.

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