Since then, Salman has written the song, then it has been comparable to Dinkacha Pooja, what is it?

Salman Khan is on target of Salman Trollar since his trailer came in constant headlines for his sub-cumming film Race 3, and just a few days before Salman's song was released. Who is sung by Atif Aslam and Salman's girlfriend Lulea Vantur has also given voice in it, but the biggest thing is written by Salman Khan. So this song is in the limelight,

So far, this song has got 14 million views on you tube, but where 21 thousand people have been leased, 11 thousand people have not liked it.

Most comment negative has come in which people are talking like we are showing you the comments of you tube of this song.

Salman Khan's fan is also among those who dislike it. A user trolling Salman Khan wrote, "Brother, I am your big fan. But you just do acting. You ruined the voice of Atif Aslam and there was no need for Uliya. Please, the worst song of 'Atif Aslam' is 'Celestish ...'. You should not do things like casting '.

One user said, 'I heard the song' Selshish 'of' Race 3 'and listening to the song I was shocked that the song has written, why the brother wrote this song. If the budget was good then bring good songwriter, why are we getting cooked?
Many people are still writing that Dhinkach is good with songs of Pooja, people compare Salman's songs like "Selshish" to "Kheli I Tak" of Dhinkach Pooja

People are joking about this song in many ways. But brother's fan is not a devotee, but everything that Salman likes is good. So hopefully people like this song go ahead.

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