Merzawa in Ishq: ascendant to Deepa's parents

As you all saw that the lamp has returned back, after coming back, the lamp has completely changed. Deep hates the ascendant even he has also hated love. But Deep's hate and helpless ascetic is not being tolerated, he wants to get the love of Deepa again. To ascertain his mistake, ascending Deep is trying to find Father's father.

The ascendant has come to know that Roma knows everything about Deep Baba's father and now he will reveal his truth with ascendant Roma, Mr. Raichand tells ascend that Deepa's father and father's father is in a pendant. It is decided that he will be able to find pendants only.

The ascendant finally finds the pendants, he sees the pendants in the hand of Deep Asheri and snatches it, he tells the ascendant to stay away from him.

The ascendant will soon know that Roma has kept Deep's family in custody. Deep also knows that Roma has kept his family in custody, so Deepa believes every wrong thing of Roma and always lives with her.

Will Armaan learn about Deepa's family from Roma? Will the ascending lamp reach the family? What will happen next in the show and also be interesting?

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