Baba Ram Dev launches Patanjli SIM card, will hit Jio

Yogguru Baba Ramdev has now stepped in his telecom sector. Ramdev Baba has launched a SIM card in association with Patanjali Brands and Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL). It has been named 'Swadeshi Prosperity Sim Card'. Right now, the SIM card has been given to the staff member only to work in Patanjali. Soon this SIM card will come in the market for all customers

For this SIM card the customer has to recharge Rs. 144. Customer will get Unlimited Calling with 2GB data. Simultaneously, with the help of data and calling, customers will receive 100 SMS. Apart from this, the customer will also be given a 10% discount on Patanjali products through this SIM card.

In addition to this, users who use this SIM will be given medical insurance up to Rs 2.5 lakhs and life insurance up to Rs 5 lakhs.

Jio has already stirred up the trend in the telecom industry, from now on, Baba has also arrived in the SIM card, now it is necessary to see how all the other companies face Baba.

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